Note: Read Tip#2 regarding painters ages at Throw A Successful Party. Kids painting options are grouped by age.
$450 for up to 10 painters. ($40 ea add’l painter)
$375 for up to 10 painters ($35 ea add’l painter) on either 16”x 20” canvas or wine bottle. This option is great for painters who like to have fun with trying their hand at their own art!
Up to a 2-hour painting time limit
Painting Selections – We will bring up to 8 colors and up to 5 example paintings that we have in inventory (to use as examples).
Limited Guidance – no formal step by step instruction
Maximum occupancy varies by venue. We will consult with you when using your own venue
**Payments are due in advance of setup. Your instructor may bring limited extra supplies over the guaranteed number of painters. It's important to communicate with us if your numbers change prior to the party date.**
Instructors will only set up for the number of painting stations for which have prepaid upon their arrival. Hosts, please collect your money from painters prior to your event.
Instruction times will vary based on painting selection, painting medium (i.e. canvas, wine bottle, wood) and painters' experience levels. Let us know when scheduling your party if you are limited on your painting time so we may consult accordingly.
The above prices include setup of painting supplies (usually about 45 min to 1 hr) prior to instruction start time and cleanup (usually about 30-45 min) after painting instruction completes.
Painting supplies include easels, canvas (or other painting medium), paints, aprons, water cups, paper towels, and brushes/painting utensils.
Painters take their painting with them as the paint should be dry or mostly dry by the end of the painting event.